Circulating Supply

Understanding Circulating Supply

Circulating Supply refers to the number of tokens or coins that are available in the market and held by investors. This metric excludes tokens that are held by the project team or locked in smart contracts, giving a clearer picture of the actual supply available for trading and investment.

Pecu Novus Circulating Supply

Dynamic Supply

  • Daily Changes: The circulating supply of PECU is dynamic, changing daily as Validators receive rewards. The total circulating supply fluctuates based on factors such as rewards distribution and lockup periods.

Lockup Periods

  • Current Lockups: Approximately 130 million PECU tokens are currently locked, with release dates staggered from 2026 to 2034. These locked tokens are held by Founders, Team Members, and Institutions.
  • Decentralized Exchanges: As of October 2023, around 70+ million PECU tokens are locked on decentralized exchanges under contractual agreements.
  • Additional Lockups: Private lockup periods may exist on various platforms, further affecting the circulating supply.

Controlled Release

This structure ensures a controlled release of tokens into the market, which helps maintain stability and encourages long-term holding. By staggering the release of locked tokens, Pecu Novus can manage the circulating supply effectively to avoid market volatility.

Benefits of Controlled Circulating Supply

  • Market Stability: Controlled release and lockup periods help prevent sudden increases in supply, which can lead to market instability and price drops.
  • Encouragement of Long-Term Holding: Staggered release periods incentivize long-term holding and investment, supporting a stable and growing ecosystem.

The circulating supply of PECU tokens is dynamic, influenced by daily reward distributions and various lockup periods. With approximately 130 million tokens locked until 2034 and additional lockups on decentralized exchanges, Pecu Novus ensures a controlled and strategic release of tokens into the market. This approach maintains market stability, encourages long-term holding, and supports the overall health of the Pecu Novus Blockchain Network.