Pecu Wallets

Pecu Novus Wallets

In this area we are going to go over wallet options that allow for members to send, receive and interact with PECU coins on the Pecu Novus Blockchain Network. Let’s start with some basic information

What is a Digital Wallet?

A digital or crypto wallet is a digital tool that allows users to store, manage, and transact with cryptocurrencies. It functions similarly to a traditional wallet but instead of holding fiat currency, it holds digital assets such as PECU coins.

Key Functions of a Digital Wallet

  1. Storage: Digital wallets securely store the private keys needed to access and manage your digital asset holdings. Private keys are cryptographic codes that enable you to access your crypto funds.
  2. Management: Digital wallets allow members to manage their digital assets, view transaction history, and organize different types of digital assets in one place.
  3. Transactions: Members can send and receive digital assets using their wallets. Each wallet has a unique public address (similar to an account number) that can be shared with others to receive digital assets.

How a Crypto Wallet Works

  1. Public Key: Each wallet generates a public key that is used to create a public address. This address can be shared with others to receive funds.
  2. Private Key: The private key is a secret code that allows you to access and manage your cryptocurrency. It should never be shared and must be kept secure.
  3. Transactions: When you want to send digital assets, you use your private key to sign the transaction, proving ownership of the digital asset. The transaction is then broadcasted to the blockchain network for verification and inclusion in the blockchain.

The Pecu Wallet Difference

The Pecu Wallet was designed for members, many aspects were taken into consideration so that members would be familiar with the wallet as they are with their traditional fiat bank accounts.

The web access wallet has substantially more data than the mobile app, members have access to their dashboard which shows:

  • Holdings: All their holdings, including escrowed holdings, pie charts of their digital assets and a pricing graph for PECU coin itself.
  • Keys Area: The keys area is where your Public Key, Private Key and Access Key are. You can change your Access Key at any given time, but be aware that your Access Key is how you can easily connect to layer-2 applications built on Pecu Novus, once you change that key it will disconnect from those applications until you reconnect again.
  • Transfer Area: This is where you can easily transfer PECU or any token built on the Pecu Novus Blockchain on a peer to peer basis. The key difference is that you have access to our proprietary escrow system in this area, it basically automatically creates a smart contract for you with no coding, setting a release date and time of a digital asset. You can enter a public or private note as well for reference. You can also view your Peer to Peer transfer history in this area.
  • Transactions Area: This is where it gets interesting, this area is where you can view executed and pending transaction that are made on decentralized layer-2 applications built on the Pecu Novus Blockchain Network. For instance HootDex is a decentralized digital asset swapping application built on the blockchain and all transactions that take place can be viewed directly in your wallet. You will understand why this becomes very powerful as you read further down this page.
  • Connected Apps Area: This area is where you have full control of your connections, this prevents fraud, unauthorized access and deters bad actors. With the simple click of a toggle you can connect or disconnect from any application that is built on the Pecu Novus Blockchain Network, this includes the Pecu Terminal, which we will touch on further down this page.
  • The MVault Area: The MVault can be seen as a a digital bank vault for members, it was created in 2016 by MegaHoot Technologies with the idea of integrating it with the Bitcoin network however in 2017 it was decided to have it integrate in the original Pecu Novus Blockchain Network, it never fully reached it potential until the total overhaul of the Pecu Novus Blockchain Network where the MVault was integrated from the ground up so it would be seamlessly embedded in the network. The Mvault is where you can see all your escrow holdings, create NFTs with no coding knowledge, see your liquidity pool stakes, use the Safety Deposit Box to place your digital assets in either in-wallet cold storage for easy access or offline cold storage for safety. You can add or withdraw digital assets from In-wallet cold storage with the click of a button. More functions will be added to the MVault over time for the benefit of Pecu Novus members.
  • Escrow Area: This is where you can see all of your escrow transactions, whether they are pending, completed or cancelled.
  • Notifications Area: This area is where the MegaHoot ChatHive superapp is integrated, this allows you to easily receive notifications of your transactions in your wallet and on your ChatHive mobile app. This was intentionally done to provide a seamless ecosystem for members.
  • Pecu Terminal: The Pecu Terminal link will bring you to the Pecu Terminal which we will touch on at the bottom of this page.
  • Transaction and Accounts Statements Area: As with traditional financial institutions, a statement of a persons account is important, this is what was we believed needed to be added to decentralized finance, so we did. You can easily print out a statement showing your transaction history or a full account statement showing your holdings, this allows members to easily produce documents for accounting or financial reasons with ease.
  • Help Area: This is where an artificial intelligence powered chatbot will live to answer your questions 24/7.

Other Wallets

Developers will definitely be able to create different wallets for PECU coins and tokens build on the network as well as integrate them into other interoperable wallets.

Pecu Terminal

The Pecu Terminal was created to be a comprehensive digital asset terminal for the Pecu Novus Blockchain Network, in short if you are in traditional finance you would have access to the Bloomberg Terminal, for Pecu Novus you would have access to the Pecu Terminal. The Pecu Terminal will be have both a premium and standard version, there will be a lot of innovation taking place in the Pecu Terminal that will integrate some of the following:

  • Real-time and historical market data: Members will be able to access live and historical pricing, quotes, news, and analysis for PECU and any token built on the Pecu Novus Blockchain. There will also be news from traditional finance and a team of contributors that will be bringing you their views.
  • Advanced charting and technical analysis: When developed members will be able to utilize various charting tools and technical indicators to identify trends and make informed investment decisions as it relates to digital assets on the Pecu Novus Blockchain and beyond in some cases.
  • Portfolio analysis and risk management: This will be where members can analyze their portfolio performance, assess risk exposure, and make adjustments based on market conditions.

Token & Industry Research

  • Fundamental data and analysis: Members will be able to take a deep dive into the digital assets, financials, news, analyst ratings, and industry trends.
  • Digital Asset screening and selection: Members will be able to filter digital assets based on specific criteria to identify potential investment opportunities. Over time this may include digital assets outside of Pecu Novus.
  • Industry reports and analysis: Members will be able to stay updated on industry trends and insights from Pecu Novus’ contributors and research teams.

News & Messaging

  • Real-time news feed: Members will be able to access breaking news and market updates from global sources beyond Digital Assets.
  • Messaging and collaboration tools: Members will be able to communicate securely with the superapp built on the Pecu Novus Blockchain Network called MegaHoot ChatHive, features included encrypted peer to peer communication, ephemeral messaging, file sharing, channel creation (private group chats) and even access to Buzz the social connection tool on ChatHive.

Additional Functions to be Added in the Future

    • Regulatory filings and corporate actions: Members will have the ability to track filings, protocol changes, mergers and acquisitions, and other relevant events for Pecu Novus and other blockchain networks.
    • Economic data and analysis: Members will be able to stay informed about global economic trends and forecasts.
    • Interactive calculators and tools: Members will be able to utilize built-in tools for financial calculations, portfolio modeling, and other analyses.