

This section covers the steps to set up your local environment for Pecu Novus development.

Install Dependencies

Windows users must first install WSL (Windows subsystem for Linux) and then install the dependencies specified in the Linux section below.
Linux users should first install the dependencies specified in the Linux section below.
Mac users should start with the Rust installation instructions below.


Install the Pecu Novus CLI

The Pecu Novus CLI provides all the tools required to build and deploy Pecu Novus programs.
Install the Pecu Novus CLI tool suite using the official install command:
sh -c $(curl -sSfL
You can replace stable with the release tag matching the software version of your desired release (i.e. v2.0.3), or use one of the three symbolic channel names: stable, beta, or edge.
To verify that the installation was successful, check the Pecu CLI version:
pecu –version
You should see output similar to the following:
pecu-cli 1.0.0